YWCA: Eliminating Racism, Empowering Women & Encouraging Leadership
My “Yellow Brain” is honored to be the Keynote Speaker and present “The Power of Your Colorful Brain” at the 1st Lake County “Women In Leadership Making A Powerful Impact” Leadership Breakfast, tomorrow morning, March 2, 2012.
The Women in Leadership Breakfast Series unites women throughout Lake County, Illinois and has 3 primary goals: (1) to create a meaningful networking opportunity, (2) to inspire and empower attendees, and (3) to impart practical knowledge and skills that attendees can use to achieve results in their daily lives.
Leadership Breakfast Series attendees will have an opportunity to discover their “Leader” Brain Colors, create open dialogues and discussions, and learn from each others’ experiences.
Participant will enjoy meaningful networking opportunities, by using the Color of Your Brain principles; emerge feeling inspired and empowered to improve business interaction at all levels; and use the learned knowledge and skills to achieve results they want in their daily life.
Walk-ins are welcome or visit www.ywcalakecounty.org or call (847) 406-5694
If you liked the information in this post and want to learn more: subscribe to Sheila’s blog and her BrainBuzz Newsletter if you enjoyed reading this Princess Shayna Musicalblog post and want to reading more.Don’t forget, 10% of the royalties from the sale of Sheila’s books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) .”
Please Spread the Word
The attendees will have a wonderful time being on the receiving end of your colorful presentation.
Thank you, Laurie. It was a grand morning kicking off breakfast services for the YWCA. It was a pleasure and a privilege meeting so many new receptive and enthusiastic Brain Color enthusiasts!