Yummy Cures for Dry Skin & Chapped Lips

It’s snowing in the Chicago, again. The cold and snow reminded me of the new remedies my “Green Brain” recently discovered. I trust they will be help to you, “whether” or not you live in climate that dries your skin and chaps you lips.

Last summer, I burned myself while flipping a piece of salmon that it I was sauteing for dinner. I put Melaleuca gel on the burn to help it heal and after a few weeks, I used Cococare 100% cocoa butter on the new skin. One day, I ran out of my lip moisturizer and decided to use the cocoa butter stick.  It work perfectly, smelled good and is a lovely chocolate treat for my lips.

While in Door County this fall, Jane Wineinger a lovely sales woman at On Deck Clothing and I were chatting. Of course, our “Blue Brain” conversation diverted in many directions and Jane told me about using extra organic virgin coconut oil as a body moisturizer.

When I got home, I purchased a jar of Nutiva organic virgin coconut oil (I was surprise that the oil was solid, not a liquid). However, it does keep your skin soft and only smells delicious for a few minutes until it absorbs into your skin.

The bonus tip from Jane… rub you hands through you hair with the oil that remains on your fingers for some extra shine and softness!

Try my new remedies and let me know if your skins is
a smooth as baby’s bottom and your hair is as shiny as sparkling snow.

Please Spread the Word


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