Your Personality & Motivation to keep New Year Resolutions

It is that time again!

We resolve to make our possible Top Ten Resolutions for the New Year!

How you make decision and are motivated to keep your 2012 Resolutions depends on your Brain Color Personality!

Yellow Brainers: Make a list and develop a plan to keep their resolutions. They are motivated by a strong sense of accomplishment when their to-do list is complete and they know they have been accountable to themselves and/or others.

Blue Brainers: Reveal their resolutions to another person only when they know that individual is trustworthy and will sincerely listen to their ideas. They are motivated by new creative opportunities they can offer to others they care about at work or home.

Green Brainers: Think of resolutions as logical method to solve their problems. They are motivated by developing a process to find the answers by themselves.

Orange Brainers: Like the thrill and challenge of keeping their resolutions. They remain motivated if they can achieve their goal quickly, get immediate results, and possibly win a competition.

Which Brain Color will you select to motivate you to keep  2012 Resolutions?

Good Luck and Best Wishes for a Splendid New Year!

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  1. Laurie Buchanan on January 4, 2012 at 9:11 am

    I’m greeeeeeeeeeen all the way 🙂

  2. sheila on January 4, 2012 at 4:45 pm

    Yes, but you are such a brilliant “Brainbow” in your life. The “Green” solutions and motivation help you achieve such a remarkable level of success when you are “Blue” and helping others.

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