Your Brain Color Celebration

Welcome to your

What Color is Your Brain

           celebration !

Please, make yourself comfortable,
you are the guest of honor. 

I have a gift for you, that you may know a lot or a little about, but just don’t know what to call it.

Your gift is What Color is Your Brain? (WCIYB). It is a fun and fascinating approach that will help you understand and value yourself and others, resolve conflicts quickly, build harmonious relationships and improve your job performance.

A hospital supervisor once told me, “I’ve been trying to train my staff about customer service and how to understand people; I just didn’t know there were colors to help me do it.”

Have you ever wondered why some people are a pain in your neck and others are a song in your heart? The answer will be obvious, once you discover what color your brain is.

I assure you, that learning WCIYB will be effortless, educational and entertaining. It has practical application which you can implement immediately in every facet of your life.

I developed WCIYB as an introduction for my strategic planning/creative problem solving workshops.  I wanted to create a non-judgmental environment that eliminated criticism and enhanced appreciation for each individual’s ideas.

The foundation for WCIYB is the Myer’s Briggs Type Indicator or MBTI®, a well respected self-reporting assessment tool. Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs developed the MBTI® in 1942, based on Carl Jung’s four personality functions: Sensing, Thinking, Intuiting and Feeling and used 16 letter combinations to identify personality traits.  I believe the MBTI® and other similar personality assessments offer valuable and valid information within a specific business organization, work environment or career. However, their use of a series of letters, terms and symbol are too complicated for children and often confusing for some adults, especially those of us who are dyslexic.

I discovered that people respond positively to WCIYB because it:

• Uses only four colors,
• Does not  label people,
• Is easy for adults and children to remember, and
• Is a bridge to connect the workplace, home, school and community.

If the title What Color is Your Brain? peaked your interest, I’m not surprised.  People are curious about themselves and others. The abundance of “people focused” television and radio programs, websites and magazines demonstrates and confirms that curiosity.

WCIYB offers you an opportunity to look at yourself, your relationships and how you communicate, without the established boundaries you may be accustomed to or read about in other books. WCIYB is a quick and simple approach to help you:

• Recognize and respect the best in yourself and others,
• Appreciate different people’s perspectives,
• Laugh at your own idiosyncrasies,
• Communicate “in color” and,
• Provide balance in your personal and professional life.

WCIYB can be used as a reference book you can keep on your desk, in your briefcase, next to your bed or favorite reading chair; and the chapters can be read in any order that works best for you.

One of my personal Brain Color attributes is my enthusiasm, and people often tell me that my enthusiasm for the WCIYB is contagious. Yes, I am eager to share my collection of data, stories and experiences with you. I am honored and delighted when people share their WCIYB experiences with me and tell me how the Brain Colors have made a difference in their lives. If you would like to share your Brain Color stories with me and others, please submit them to me via e-mail
I allocate 10% of my royalties from the sale of What Color Is Your Brain? to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) to help my son, Joshua, and other adults, children and their families, who deal with the daily challenges diabetes.

Enjoy celebrating your Brain Colors, honoring yourself and sharing your “color-filled” gift with others. 



Sheila Glazov – Author. Speaker. Educator.

Turbo Tagger

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