Your Brain Color can keep your positive attraction from fizzling into a negative reaction!

On Valentine’s Day or any other day do you have concerns that the spark that ignited your positive attraction could fizzled into a negative reaction?

The stress  can agitates and aggravates men’s and women’s personal security and relationships an turn your “soul mate” into a “cell mate.”However, understanding their Brain Color attitude and how it influences their romantic relationships will help them resolve personal conflicts and create more love and harmony in their life.

Do you bicker with your Yellow Brain Husband about how to save and spend your money?

Does your Blue Brain Wife drive you crazy, because she cannot stop talking about a problem?

Are you confused by your Green Brain Boyfriend, who never talks about or demonstrates his feelings?

Is your Orange Brain Girlfriend fun to be with, but never shows up on time for dinner reservation?

Green Brainers and Yellow Brainers appreciate each other’s private and practical approach to romance, while Blue Brainers and Orange Brainers understand their communicative and playful attitude about love.

In a romantic relationship, a variety of personal characteristics and talents attract us to our partner. Think of your “AAAA” Romantic Relationship Road map as a solution to dilemmas that can dampen your romantic relationship.

The following is your “AAAA” Romantic Relationship Road Map:
♦ Recognize what Attracted you to each other.
♦ Understand why different idiosyncrasies have become an Annoyance.
♦ Accept your loved one for who he or she is and what he or she values, even if his or her ideas differ from yours.
♦ Then you can Appreciate why you were attracted to each other and keep the spark that ignited your Positive Attraction to another Brain Color from fizzling into a Negative Reaction!

Yellow Brainer are attracted to Orange Brainers who contribute spontaneity and adventure to their organized and planned routines.

Blue Brainers are attracted to Green Brainers who give them a logical perspective about their emotional reactions.

Green Brainers are attracted to Blue Brainers who encourage their innovative ideas and count on them to be objective in emotional situations.

Orange Brainers are attracted to Yellow Brainers who are responsible and dependable to help them organize the details of their life.

Happy Valentine’s Day and keep you positive attraction sizzling! 

Discover your Brain Colors and Boost your Brain Power!
You can learn more about your Romantic Brain Color Personality in Chapter #7 in What Color Is Your Brain?® and Chapter #10 in What Color Is Your Brain?®When Caring for Patients.

Don’t forget about the FREE Chapter,#7 Your Romantic Relationships, from my original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, which you will receive when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage10% of royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF.

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