Writer Gone Fishing For Words and Ideas
This is a beautiful time of year to enjoy a “Writer’s Retreat”!
Yom Kippur begins tonight, and I am making Yellow Brain Preparations for the holiday and a “Writer’s Retreat”.
I will not be trawling for fish. However, I will be fishing for words and ideas, and not writing any blog post.
My Yellow Brain is organizing idea folders, notes and books.
Three new books for my research, were delivered this morning:
1. Writing for Story: The Writer’s Guide to Using Brain Science to Hook Readers from the Very First Sentence by Lisa Cron
2. Chakras: Energy centers for transformation by Harish Johari
3. Writing Picture Books by Ann Whitford Paul
My Blue Brain is looking forward to relaxing with Yoga classes and fall colors to encourage my creativity.
My Green Brain is eager to edit and complete the Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift Teacher’s Activity Guide. I also will begin writing the manuscript for my new business book and another children’s book, which I have been researching for several years.
My Orange Brain is excited because I will NOT have to subscribe to a daily routine of responsibilities or deal with unexpected interruption
When was the last time you put out your sign: “Gone Writing” or “Gone Fishing”?
Boost Your Brain Power with links in the right-hand side column of this page!
Please, remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to
JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) .
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