Wow! Sheila’s 1st Children’s Book Adapted Into New Musical!

Joyful News

Last, Tuesday, August 31st, Jordan and I were invited to the Raue Center For The Arts to listen to a preveiw of the musi and script for an adaptation fo my childern’s fairy tale, Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift!

The Raue Center Team

Billy Seger, the institutional advancement associate, and a gifted and creative singer and script writer, who is adapting the book and writing the script and music, sent me the invitation. Other Raue staff members who joined us were: Richard Kuranda, chief executive director/WSRep founding artistic director, Kyle Schneider, the producing & operations manager, and Alayna Rosellen DeVar, a talented singer.


A Dream Come True

My Blue Brain and Heart were bursting with JOY as I listened to Billy sing the upbeat songs, with Alayna, and read the beginning of the engaging script he is writing. Sitting next to Jordan, I was overwhelmed by my emotions knowing this was a dream come true! Joyfulness consumed my face, in the photo on the right with Richard, Jordan, me, and Billy!


This new production will be the 3rd mucial performance of my 1st children’s book. It is grand knowing that the production is in proximity to my home, in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago! I am most grateful to Tim Paul, the owner of Piano Trends music store and the Board President of the Raue Center Board of Directors Executive Committee for his kindness to introduce me to Richard Kuranda! I am also grateful for Richard’s foresight and professionalism to recognize the educational and entertainment value of Princess Shayna’s Ivisible Visible Gift

Still Timely and Timeless Messages

On February 2, 2022, Princess Shayna will celebrate her 25th girthday! It is grand knowing that the meaningful messages in my book have been shared and appreciated by children, teachers, and parents, all over the world. Now, more childern and adult will discover the timeless messages of kindness, healthy self-esteeem, dealing with bully behavior, understanding, appreciating, and accepting other people’s differences, discovering your own and other people’s “Praiseworthy Gifts”, and recognizing individuals’ “Brainbow” attributes and abilities, which continue to be timely, in today’s tumultuous world.

Closing Thought

I will be posting more information about the progression of the musical, as soon as they become available! Be sure to read my weekly blog posts. You can sign up by clicking the link Sheila’s Brain Blog section below:

What Color Is Your Brain?Receive your FREE Chapter, #7 Your Romantic Relationships, from the original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage!



You can purchase Princess Shayna’s Invisibe Visible Gift on

10% of royalties from the sale of all my books is allocated JDRF-Illinois Outreach and Education to help children, adults, and families living with Type One Diabetes (T1D).

Please Spread the Word



  1. Yolanda Maya on September 8, 2021 at 4:17 pm

    Congratulations Sheila!!
    This is great!!!! Jordan and you need to be very proud
    Of your accomplishments!!!
    Love you!!!

    • sheila on September 14, 2021 at 12:40 pm

      Dear Yolanda, Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. Yes, we are delighted to have the opportunity to share a 3rd musical performance with children, teachers, and parents! I love the Jewish thread that runs throughout the story. If you are Jewish you notice and appreicate them, if not they are just part of meangingful family fairy tale.

  2. Karen Cloud Correa on September 10, 2021 at 11:04 am

    Congratulations Shelia. How excited you must be.

    • sheila on September 14, 2021 at 12:38 pm

      Dear Karen, yes, I am very excited. Thank you for your congratulations. I am thrilled that more children will have the opportunity to enjoy and learn from the meaningful messages in my family fairy tale.

  3. clara Arbiser on September 10, 2021 at 3:17 pm

    Sheila, I am so proud of you; you deserve this, after years of writing and helping people with your wonderful colors schemes of their personalities.
    Enjoy every moment .

    • sheila on September 14, 2021 at 12:37 pm

      Dear Clara, thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Yes, this musical will be another blessing! I love the Jewish thread that runs throughout the story. If you are Jewish you notice and appreicate them, if not they are just part of meangingful family fairy tale.

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