Wow! Over 35,000 “What Color Is Your Brain?” Books Sold!

Happy Book Birthday!

What Color Is Your Brain?® was published in 2007. I always think of its birthday in October. It is hard to believe that my book is 14 years old this month!


Last week, my aquisition editor Brien Cummings sent me an email that said: “We are in the process of stocking the 20th printing. Wow!”

Copies Sold

Then Brien, wrote: “We have sold 35,038 over the lifetime of the book.  These are excellent numbers!”

Many thanks to our dear family friend Raymond Kay, Jr., who is the Principal, Co-Chairman, President & CEO of Newslink Group, LLC, who sells my books in his airport stores!

Many thanks to my dear friend Arlene Lynes, who is the owner of Read Between the Lynes bookstore in Woodstock, Illinios and sells my book in her remarkable bookstore. Arlene told me, “No mainstream (celebrity) author rarely see those numbers.”

Happy to Help

I am happy that I have helped over 35,000 people discover their Brain Color attributes and abilites to create a better understanding about themselves and others and to develop more harmonious relationships in their homes, workplaces, schools, and communities!

Closing Thought

I am grateful for all the people who have purchased and read my book. I also appreciae the individuals who helped to publish and sell my book. A special thank you to John Bond, who was Chief Content Officer/Senior Vice President at SLACK, Inc., directed and oversaw all aspects of publishing my book, and became a dear friend!


Receive your FREE Chapter, #7 Your Romantic Relationships, from the original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage!





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