WorkZone for TeamWork

I am enjoying a terrific new “Green Brain System” to share documents with my publicist, Cynthia Stine.

As a Right Brain – Blue Brainer, I uncomfortable and not used to using Cynthia’s Left Brain – “Extranet“. However, now I am enjoying the learning process.

I am impressed with how efficiently it works and instantly keeps a permanent record of all the documents sent back and forth between me, Cynthia and her team. I love that it automatically sends email udates when a new document has been uploaded or downloaded.

This new “Green Brain Project Management System” is called WorkZone. I chuckled when I discovered that the WorkZone logo is Green.

I’m always telling Cynthia that it reminds me of a thermos … because is automatically knows what to do.

My “Orange Brain” is having fun utilizing this “Green Brain Technology” and my “Yellow Brain” likes how it simplifies and organizes my my marketing and publicity plans for my business and my books.

I trust this information will also be helpful to you and all your Brain Colors!

Please Spread the Word



  1. Laurie Buchanan on October 26, 2011 at 10:02 am

    THANK YOU for this great information that I can put to use immediately.

    • sheila on October 26, 2011 at 12:59 pm

      Thank you, Laurie. I’m not surprised that your “Green Investigator Brain” would be interested in this program. Keep me posted.

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