Word Wednesday – “Pogonotrophy”

Today, I used my Green Technical Brain to solve the timing problem for my blog posts. This was a huge achievement for a Blue Creative Brain.

As an author, I am fascinated by words. I wanted to add my successful #WordWednesday posts, which I have been posting on all my social media sites, to my blog. It seemed to be complicated issue. However,  it simply was that I did not know that the time was set improperly for my posting schedule.

I emailed Christina Dick who is the owner of Be Savvy Marketing. Christina’s company expertly manages social media. Christina suggested that I chat with MailChimp for support. I started a chat withe MailChimp and they told me how easy and simple it was to solve my problem!

Drum Roll…

Pogonotrophy(po·​go·​not·​ro·​phy) is my word for WordWednesday.
Noun: The act of growing and grooming, a mustache, beard, sideburns or other facial hair.
Usage: Do you know someone who engages in “Pogonotrophy”?

Your Orange Brain will have Fun asking other people if they engage in “Pogonotrophy”!

I hope you enjoy WordWednesday as much as the other people do, when they follow me on Sheila Glazov Author- FaceBookSheila Newman Glazov -Facebook, Sheila N. Glazov – LinkedIn, @sheilaglazov- Twitter, and Sheila GlazovAuthor Google+.


No Bunk Just BSMy family business memoirNo Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is available on Amazon.com.
Remember: 10% of royalties from the sale of No Bunk will be allocated to JDRF.



Don’t forget about the FREE Chapter, #7 Your Romantic Relationships, from my original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, which you will receive when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage!


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