Word Wednesday – “Haggadah”
“Haggadah” is my word for WordWednesday.
♦ I think we will have to amend the “Haggadah” and add the Coronavirus as the 11th Plague.
• Noun: 1. Text recited at the Seder on the first two nights of the Jewish Passover or Pesach, including a narrative of the Exodus from Egypt.
2. Legend, parable, or anecdote used to illustrate a point of the Law in the Talmud, which is a complete collection Jewish laws and traditions.
• Pronunciation – huh–gah-duh; Sephardic Hebrew hah-gah-dah; Ashkenazic Hebrew hah-gaw-duh
• Our family is going to miss reading the “Haggadah” while gathering and celebrating Passover at our traditional Elrod Family Seder.
Instead of the traditional ending of the Seder with the phrase: “Next year in Jerusalem,” tonight we all will be saying. “Next year ALL TOGETHER!”
My family business memoir No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is available on Amazon.com.
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