Wish Teachers a Happy Teacher Day and Appreciate Their Brain Color Personalities!

Teaching is a work of heartDo you have memories of a favorite teacher or influential teachers?

Today, is National Teacher’s Day! I am delighted that there is a day to honor those of us who feel is an honor to educate children and adults!

I still cherish thoughts of the memorable educators of my childhood and the remarkable teachers I have worked during What Color Is Your “Educator”Brain?® and Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift Programs.

I am also honored and delighted that several of my former students have found me on my Author Facebook page and LinkedIn, which has given us the opportunities to visit, reconnect, and share lovely memories together!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAccording to the National Education Association the origins of National Teacher Day are murky. Around 1944 Arkansas teacher Mattye Whyte Woodridge began corresponding with political and education leaders about the need for a national day to honor teachers. Woodridge wrote to Eleanor Roosevelt, who in 1953 persuaded the 81st Congress to proclaim a National Teacher Day.

NEA and its affiliates continued to observe National Teacher Day in March until 1985, when the NEA Representative Assembly voted to change the event to Tuesday of the first full week of May.

In other countries, Teachers’ Day is a special day for the appreciation of teachers, which include celebrations to honor them for their special contributions in a particular field area, or the community in general.

Below are are sampling of Teachers’ Brain Color Strengths and Perspectives:

Yellow Brain Teachers like a traditional teaching environment, are stressed by disorder and encourage his or her students to be respectful

Blue Brain Teachers like a collaborative teaching environment, are stressed by the lack of cooperation, and his or her students to be self-expressive.

Green Brain Teachers like a quiet teaching environment, are stressed by the lack of innovation, and his or her students to be curious.

Orange Brain Teachers like an unstructured teaching environment, are stressed boredom, and his or her students to be self-reliant.

I feel privileged and blessed that I have known the Blue Heartfelt Joy of being an educator and helping children and adults increase their knowledge and creative spirit, while discovering their Brain Color attributes and abilities, and Praiseworthy Gifts!

Who are the teachers who touched your heart and encourage your mind and why do you remember them?

jumping for joyAttendees at your next meeting or conference will be showering you with praise and gratitude and jumping for joy because you scheduled a beneficial and dynamic What Color Is Your Brain?® Program, which they enjoyed! I will delighted to help you plan your Bountiful Brain Color Event! Send you email message to: sheila@sheilaglazov.com.

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