Why do April, Newsletter, Neologism, Kites and Daffodils all have something in common?

April showers bring May flowers.

I am hoping they do because we have been dangerously flood with showers in the Midwest region of the United States. My apologies for this delayed BrainBuzz Newsletter. I am grateful that I have been flooded with What Color Is Brain? and Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift programs and book projects.

This month’s April BrainBuzz Newsletter is filled with a neologism, flying kites and daffodils!

1. Discovery how a Yellow, Blue, Green, and Orange Brainer would look up the definition of the word “rependable“?

2. Spring has arrived, it’s time to let your kites and kids fly! Learn how you can help your kites and Yellow, Blue, Green, and Orange kids fly according to their Brain Colors!

3. Discover how to practice The Daffodil Principle and bring your vision, beauty,  joy, and peace into your life one bulb/idea at a time!

4. Stayed tuned for the May BrainBuzz Newsletter. I will be sharing some of my exciting “Rimsiyavyo” news with you next month. My Yellow Brain has to wait until all the appropriate details have been organized and agreed upon.

Have fun reading the April BrainBuzz Newsletter. I am always delighted and when readers share their BrainBuzz Newsletter with co-workers, family, and friends by clicking on the Facebook and Twitter links at the bottom of the Newsletter. Thank you for sharing!

boost your brain power #4Boost your Brain Power with links in the right-hand side column of this page! Please, remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).


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