“Who” Is Living/Working Inside?
“Who” Is Living In Our Tree?
My husband and I discovered this large hole, 25 feet up in huge Box Elder tree, in our back yard. We could not see into the hole to know what type of bird, raccoon, squirrel, or owl is living or has been living in the tree. I was excited when Matt Huff, the manager at Hawthorn Gardens, told me that an owl is living in our tree!
Working From Home
Since the COVID pandemic began, people have been living and working from home. According to Smallbizgenius.net, 4.3 million people in the USA work from home at least half the time. Many people have created workspaces or home offices, since the Pandemic began.
What Does Your Office Look Like?
Some people’s offices or workspace are perfect for online meetings, which have become normal. Some individuals re-organized the home office they have been working in, other individuals created a new home office space, and/or others have selected their own customized background to suit their personalities, privacy, and or needs in their office.
Brain Color Personality Offices
To help you have a better understanding about the individuals you are meeting with, I have provided examples of each Brain Color Personality’s Office:
Yellow Brainer’s Office: Their workspace and desk are clear of any clutter. Awards are hung sequentially and straight on the wall. It is so neat it looks as if no one works there.
Blue Brainer’s Office: Their workspace looks like someone’s family room. It is accessorized with comfortable furnishings, flowers, memorabilia, and family or pet photos.
Green Brainer’s Office: The desk is large enough to keep all their projects within reaching distance. They will have the latest technology, a collection of books on the floor or shelves, and their diplomas displayed on the wall.
Orange Brainer’s Office: Their desk is anything that works, because they do not spend a lot of time there. Organizing their office is a waste of time and the floor looks like a display of stalagmites. If you comment about their décor, they will profess, “I know exactly what’s in each pile.” However, you might need a GPS to navigate their workspace if they ask you to find something they need when they are outside of the office.
Closing Thoughts
I trust the the Brain Color Personalities’ office descriptions will help you as you continue to work from home or when you return to the office space you occupied before the COVID pandemic.
My family business memoir No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is available on Amazon.com.
10% of royalties from the sale of all my books is allocated JDRF-Illinois Outreach and Education to help children, adults, and families living with Type One Diabetes (T1D).
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