Which Personality Type Wants to Be Alone?

I could not help myself… I had write another addition to my week for “word” blog posts.

In February, while visiting and editing the Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift Teacher’s Activity Guide with my friend Michelle, we enjoyed volunteering in 2nd grade classroom.

I enjoyed observing the children as they completed their pictorial Brain Color Quiz and worked on their activity sheets, which corresponded to their Brain Colors. When I walked over to one student’s desk to see how he was doing, he looked up at me and confidently said,

“I am working by myself because I have a Green Brain.”

I love how quickly students understand, apply and transfer the Brain Color knowledge into their lives!

Movie screen star, Greta Garbo famously said, “I want to be alone.” I bet Miss Garbo was a Green Brainer!

There are times each Brain Color Personalty wants to be Green and be alone:

Yellow Brainers when they are tired of being responsible for other people.

Blue Brainers when they are tired of talking to other people.

Green Brainers when they are tired of being with other people.

Orange Brainer when they have tired themselves out from having so much fun with other people!

When does your Brain Color Personalty Type want to be alone?

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  1. penelope steiner on April 4, 2013 at 4:59 pm

    Sheila, the more i read your “posts” the less sure I am of my brain color; I love being “alone”; have always since childhood loved my solitary world. Yet, give me a great party and I will dance the night away! Go figure: you always make me think> so grateful, XO Penelope

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