What Is Your Powerful Word for a Grand New Year?

For many years, I have selected a new word as my business mantra, focus, and motivation for the new year. Today, while ready fellow author Laurie Buchanan’s Alliance blog post, I realized that I had not selected my new year word.

Hmmm? Would my word be a Yellow Brain word about planning and being responsible? Would it be a Blue Brain word about creativity and relationships? Would  it be a Green Brain word about being strategic and methodical? Or would it be an Orange Brain word that would be dynamic and fun?

The words we use are powerful. They can create a positive or negative reaction or response when we say them to ourselves or to others. I have decided to use my Green Brain and take my time to contemplate my selected my word. In fact, I am going use my Yellow Brain and dedicate my yoga practice, tomorrow morning to mediate upon my selection. I am eager to see if the appropriate word makes itself known to me or not.

Use your Green Brain and take some time to think about a Powerful word or words that will help you create a Grand New Year in 2016?

snowman kid drawing lifing weightsDiscover your Brain Colors and Boost your Brain Power with more links in the right-hand side column of this page! I allocate 100% of the Royalties for Purr-fect Pals and 10% of the Royalties from the sale of my other books to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)!-

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