What Does Your Brain Color Personality Reveal About Your Tipping Behavior?

tipping is appreciated Brain Color Personality Tipping Behavior.jpgLast weekend, my Yellow Brain organized and updated the books on my Pinterst Page.When I posted Nickeled and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By written by Barbara Ehrenreich, I remembered what a tremendous impact the book had on me!

In 1998-200, I was honored to serve on the Governor’s Commission on the Status of Women in Illinois. The committee I worked on focused on helping young women. Our committee decided to read Nickeled and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By to better understand a different perspective about working in the service industry. Our discussions about the book also led to sharing our perspectives about tipping.

From the authors real-life experiences she revealed the truth about “low-rent America in all its tenacity, anxiety, and surprising generosity — a land of Big Boxes, fast food, and a thousand desperate stratagems for survival.” She gave the “reader a rare view of how prosperity looks from the bottom.” Most readers never looks at a hotel bathroom or a restaurant meal “in quite the same way again.”

Nor did the women on our committee! Many of us felt is was important to leave a “big” tip for good service in restaurants and hotels. However, our perspective changed after reading the book. We all realized how critical it was to leave an “Enormous” tip for the women who serve our food and take care of our rooms while staying in a hotel.

Brain Color Tips for 15%-20% of a bill for service and $1.00- $2.00 tip for each night’s stay in a hotel:

  • Yellow Brainers will usually leave the correct percentage because the server was prompt and respectful. They leave a tip for the responsible housekeeper, which is for exact number of days at a hotel
  • Blue Brainers will usually offer a larger percentage of the bill because the server was friendly and helpful. They leave a tip for the kind housekeeper, which they round up to greater number for the days the stayed at a hotel.
  • The Green Brainers usually a calculate precise percentage of the bill because the server was efficient and was not intrusive. They leave a reasonable tip for the housekeeper, who respected their privacy for the days they stayed in the hotel.
  • Orange Brainers usually offers a generous percentage of the bill because the server was fun to talk to and quickly responded to any or all of their requests. They leave a plentiful tip for the energetic house keeper who enthusiastic  offers suggestions about the local areas attractions and/or places to have fun or exercise.

I trust you have learned more about Brain Color Tipping, contemplated your own tipping behavior, and will read Nickeled and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By!

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