What Do Diabetes,Thanksgiving, Buckwheat & Book Reviews Have In Common?

Hot off the keys of my computer is the November BrianBuzz Newsletter. This month’s BrainBuzz includes articles about:

1. National Diabetes Awareness Month and World Diabetes Day
Learn about the two types of diabetes,  T1D and T2D, and how you can support efforts to find a cure!

2. Thanksgiving Traditions and Personality Traits
Understand how different Brain Colors like to celebrate Thanksgiving Day and create more harmony and possibly some new traditions for your celebration.

3. A Yummy and Healthy Comfort Food Recipe
Discover gluten-free Buckwheat and how it can enrich you life.

4. I Would Appreciate Your Blue Brain Help!
I am always delighted when people writer or tell  me how much they enjoy reading What Color Is Your Brain? and Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift . Now, you can help me by writing an easy and simple Amazon book review, help book sales and help increase donations to JDRF the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation!

If the November BrainBuzz did not arrive in your email box you can subscribe on the right hand side of this website page or you can Like my What Color Is Your Brain Facebook Page  and click on the subscribe to BrainBuzz picture underneath the header.

Happy Reading, Eating, Celebrating, Writing and Helping!

Boost your Brain Power with links in the right-hand side column of this page!
Please, remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to
JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

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