What Do Bully Behavior, Parenting Brain Colors, Secretary of Labor, and Remembering 9-11 Have In Common?

All the helpful Brain Color Clues that will answer your questions about Bully Behavior, Parenting Brain Colors, Secretary of Labor, and Remembering 9-11 can easily be found in my September BrainBuzz  Newsletter.

In the BrainBuzz Newsletter you will discover and learn about:

1. Adult’s and children’s Yellow, Blue, Green and Orange Brain Bully Behaviors, and  the Bully, the Bullied Child or Adult, the Baiter and the Bystander.

2. Parenting Brain Color skills and styles and how they influence children’s different Brain Color behavior.

3.  The remarkable Frances Perkins, who was the first woman Secretary of Labor.

4. Last, but not least, a  September 11th tribute, that will explain how the four different Brain Colors create a remembrance or legacy that brings them comfort and eases their grieving process, and memorial poem.

I hope these articles will be helpful in your personal and professional life. Please, share this September BrainBuzz Newsletter with your family, co-workers, and family members!

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  1. Animal House Deciple on September 11, 2012 at 7:03 pm

    This entry is for reading pleasure only–do not try this at home 🙂

    Don’t get mad at the Bully, change his behavior while enjoying the satisfaction of getting even.)
    One Book: http://www.amazon.com/Get-Even-Complete-Dirty-Tricks/dp/0873641868

    The key is execute reprisal attacks when/where the bully doesn’t expect them. And of course, do it in a manner that doesn’t identify the young attacker(s). After the bully is attacked several times, he should lose his aggressive behavior since he is now thinking like the victims he was preying on. If the bully is dumb enough to return to attacking the innocent, initiate another sequence of attacks–then even the dumbest bully will begin to realize there’s some ’cause and effect’ to his bad behavior.

  2. sheila on October 30, 2012 at 9:23 am

    George, Sorry I did not reply sooner. I missed this comment, then I thought it was a spammer, until I saw your email address, and realized it was you! I can appreciate your “Newman Family Approach” to bully behavior. I remember my father telling me stories about the Anti-Semitic Bully Behavior he, your grandfather, and Uncle Lou had to deal with. Thanks for the comment and the family memory.

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