Do you want to know why you might feel that people at work or at home are against you?

Yesterday morning, I received and read  Joe Fermano’s Daily Dose from his fascinating book, Quotes for Life & Words to Live By. The quote was, “People aren’t against you.  They are for themselves.” written by F. Johnson.

Immediately, my Green Brain began analyzing what other might think about this quote according to their Brain Colors.

As a Yellow Brainer,  you might think other people are not demonstrating their loyalty when they are against you. However, they might be considering their own security and sense of responsibility that you are not aware of.

As a Blue Brainer,  you might think other people are being selfish and uncooperative when they are against you. However, they might be considering how they can express their feelings and communicate their ideas that are different than yours. 

As a Green Brainer, you might think other people are prying into their business when they are against you. However, they might be attempting to gather knowledge and be more efficient to make a critical decision that you may not know about.

As an Orange Brainer, you might think other people are overbearing and controlling when they are against you. However, they might be considering how to organize or plan an event and need the correct information or up-to-date input that you are not giving them.  

Other people may not be against you, they just have a different Brain Color perspective, which is a benefit for them and may or may be valuable you!     

 Discover your Brain Colors and Boost your Brain Power! Don’t forget about the FREE Chapter, #7 “Your Romantic Relationships,” from my original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, which you will receive when you sign up for my new Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my home page!


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  1. George on August 31, 2017 at 8:00 am

    Everyone’s against me now and then because I’m just a classic horse’s butt.
    Love your Blog!!!

    • sheila on September 1, 2017 at 1:30 pm

      Dear Skipper,
      So glad you “love” my blog. I love you and do not think you are a “classic horse’s but.” You are a little quirky. Just like your father, grandfather, and your Uncles, Al and Lou! XOXO

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