Think About Your Mocking Judgements
“You mock the things you are to be, so judge them very carefully!”
My warning recently came to mind when I pulled my blue jeans out of the washer and discovered they were covered with copious wet Kleenex snowflakes.
My Orange Brain laughed, as my Green Brain reminisced about lovingly teasing my Yellow/Blue Brain mother (of blessed memory) about keeping Kleenex in her coat pockets, jacket pockets, robe pockets, apron pockets, pants pockets, and/or pockets on any piece of clothing she wore. In fact, she did not like to purchase clothing that did not have at least one pocket. Mother was fastidious about her beautiful and fashionable appearance. People often remarked about her beautiful red hair and resemblance to movie legend Claudette Colbert.
I couldn’t not stop laughing about affectionately mocking and judging mother about her Kleenex collecting. Over the past 11 years, since her passing, I always smile and think about her, whenever I notice myself putting Kleenex in my pockets or cleaning wet snowflakes out of my washing machine.
Have you ever have mocked the things or people you have become?
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