The Spark of Love

Each month, Robert Hruzek generously posts a “What I Learned From…” groupwrite project on his Middle Zone Musing blog. Robert asks his fellow bloggers to send him their posts on a selected subject. This month of Valentine Romance, Robert has encouraged us to write about… “What I learned from… Love.” 

After almost 42 years of marriage, love has taught me “Respectful Awareness and Appreciation” of the differences between my husband and myself.   

Respectful: To consider worthy, of high regard or esteem
Awareness: Showing realization, perception or knowledge
Appreciation: Sensitive awareness, an expression of admiration and approval
When we met, almost 45 years ago, our love was youthful infatuation.

I was attracted to Jordan’s 
“Orange/Green Brain” personality, which is energizing, playful, selective and logical. Jordan was attracted to my “Blue/Yellow Brain” personality, which is affectionate, enthusiastic, practical and committed. 

I was charmed by his integrity and fun-loving, intelligent attributes and he was drawn to my tenaciousness and nurturing, responsible characteristics.

We delighted in discovering more about and from one another. Our love, chemistry and admirable regard for one another were the sparks of our positive attraction. 

Jordan and I learned to complement and compensate for each other ‘s unique personality traits. Matrimonial maturity taught us to compromise when our idiosyncrasies would ignite a negative reaction. 

For example, I love his
“Orange” spontaneity. However, his “Green” problem solving process, which is private and does not include telling me what’s on his mind, drives me crazy.

He loves my 
“Yellow” dependability. But, my “Blue” problem solving process, which consists of repetitive talking about what’s bothering me, makes him nuts.

Our different POV’s (points of view) have helped Jordan and me craft and revise
copious “Brain Color” filled chapters in our book of life and a simple marital philosophy … 
Be aware of and consider your partner’s perspective, not just you own.  

What I learned from Love…

Our love and our life have matured. 

Respect, knowledge and admiration of each other’s POV have increased.

Sparks that attracted us are still aglow!


Sheila N. Glazov, Author and Personality Type Expert who offers workshop, keynote and training programs.
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops.
10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

Turbo Tagger

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  1. Robert Hruzek on February 7, 2009 at 11:49 pm

    It’s hard to imagine reaching that many years of marriage without learnin’ a thing or two about what makes a good one tick, ain’t it, Sheila!

    Sounds like y’all have a great, well-integrated one goin’ there. Similar to ours, as a matter of fact. ‘Course, we still have a ways to go to make 45 years, but I’m lookin’ forward to it just the same.

    Thanks for the entry in WILF-Love!


  2. Mari on February 8, 2009 at 7:16 pm

    A genuine and lovely outlook, Sheila. With 21 years in, I concur completely. XXOOmari

  3. Sheila Glazov Author Speaker on February 10, 2009 at 11:01 pm

    It was a pleasure participating in WILF-Love! Yes, we have been blessed with an abundance of years and experiences to discover what make us tick in sync.  Glad you’re looking forward to the years ahead… more to cherish! Cheers to you and the Mrs.

  4. Sheila Glazov Author Speaker on February 10, 2009 at 11:01 pm

    It was a pleasure participating in WILF-Love! Yes, we have been blessed with an abundance of years and experiences to discover what make us tick in sync.  Glad you’re looking forward to the years ahead… more to cherish! Cheers to you and the Mrs.

  5. Sheila Glazov Author Speaker on February 11, 2009 at 1:53 am

    Thank you! Good for you on 21…keep it going, you’re on a grand adventure!

  6. Sheila Glazov Author Speaker on February 11, 2009 at 1:53 am

    Thank you! Good for you on 21…keep it going, you’re on a grand adventure!

  7. Mother Earth aka Karen Hanrahan on February 11, 2009 at 2:53 am

    what an example your are of love…and how treasured one must feel after so many years in such a loving marriage, and how honestly you explain and manage your differences.

  8. Sheila Glazov Author Speaker on February 11, 2009 at 11:36 pm

    Thank you. I wish the same for you in the future!

  9. Sheila Glazov Author Speaker on February 11, 2009 at 11:36 pm

    Thank you. I wish the same for you in the future!

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