The Princess Shayna Musical Announcement
Announcing an Exciting News Orange Brain News…
The Princess Shayna Musical will be performed on Saturday, May 19th!
If I do not have your email address, you did not receive the announcement I sent yesterday.
You can Click on Princess Shayna Musical Announcement to read all the exciting details. Don’t miss the attached Ticket Order Form at the bottom of the announcement.
Be sure to read the “Awesome” quote from 5th grade actor Matthew O. below the Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift book cover!
Sarah Spundah the Silver Spider says, “Discover 5 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power… scroll over to the right-hand column on this page!
2. Sign up for Sheila’s monthly BrainBuzz Newsletter and don’t forget, 10% of the royalties from the sale of Sheila’s books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) .”
Please Spread the Word
“Break-a-Leg” with the Princess Shayna Musical! And next year hope to see it on Broadway 🙂
HI, Cuz. I am catching up on emails. I’ve been metaphorically roller blading at a high speed and need to stop and catch up. Thank you for your encouragement. Yes, Broadway and an animted feature are my goals! I want to share Princess Shayna with as many children at possible!! Keep your comments coming… they always make me 🙂