The Joy of Watching Our Grandchildern and Their Trees Grow & Change!
Trees for Our Grandchildren
Almost 20 years ago, my husband and I decided to plant a tree for each of our grandchildren.
Trees for Each Grandchild
We planted an Ash tree for our eldest grandson, 18 yeas ago.
We planted a Chanticleer Pear tree for our granddaughter, 15 years ago.
We planted a Autumn Blaze Red Maple tree for our youngest grandson, 13 years ago.
Each year, we have the arborist feed and trim all the trees to keep them healthy.
Watching the Children and their Trees Grow
We have enjoyed watching the children grow and changes, just as their trees have grown.
Our eldest grandson’s tree is now about 50 feet tall.
Our younges grandson’s tree is about 40 feet tall.
Our granddaughter’s tree is about 35 feet tall.
Watching our Grandchildren their Trees Change
Now that all our grandchildren have become teenagers we enjoying watching them change and become more mature, just like their trees. When they all were little they loved to stay over with “Mimi” and “Papa Jordy”, bake cookies, take a bath in the big jacuzi tub, and read stories before they went to sleep in their fathers’ rooms. However, now they are busy with with working, playing baseball and football, and wrestling, and riding horses. This year we have had a great deal of rain in the Mid-West, which has increased the moisture in the ground and helped to turn the tree’s leaves into vibrant colors.
Our eldest grandson’s tree (the featured photo) has changed and turn a brilliant rust, purple, and gold.
Our youngest grandson’s tree has just begun to change and will turn a brillant red.
Our granddaughter’s tree has not begun change to a lovely shade of gold.
Final Thought
Think about planting a trees in honor of your loved ones. You will be helping the climate and adding joy to your life by watching the trees grow and change, just like your loved one!
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