The Digital Human Library Shares Brain Colors With Teachers
Today, My Yellow Brain had the privilege and pleasure of presenting a What Color Is Your “Educator” Brain? to the teacher at Stephen Central Public School in Crediton, Ontario in Canada. Thanks to Leigh Cassell, the AMAZING founder of the REMARKABLE Digital Human Library I was able to present my program from my office using the exciting Green Brain Field Trip Zoom technology. Next week, Leigh and I are presenting a Princess Shayna-Brain Color Program for 150 students, 1st – 6th grades, at Stephen Central Public School. I will have more to share about this extraordinary collaboration, which Leigh and I have developed in future blog posts and my BrainBuzz Newsletter.
My Blue Brain always enjoys sharing poetry in my programs. On the Brain Color handout, I included my friend Jewel Manzay’s poem, a gift Jewel generously shared with me many years ago. I changed the poem from Three Men to Three Women because all the teachers were women. This poem helped the women reflect on how they see themselves and how others see them and their Brain Colors.
I just received a Grand Orange Brain text from Leigh that said, “The workshop uplifted my staff and had us laughing and sharing about ourselves for the rest of the afternoon!”
Three Women
There were three women,
Went down the road,
As down the road went she.
The woman they saw,
The woman she was,
And the woman she wanted to be.
Gift from Jewel Manzay
Please, feel free to share Jewel’s poem with others and give him attribution for his gift. Thank you!
Who are you when you when you see yourself and others see you and your Brain Colors?
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