The Charms of An Abundant Golden Chain

My post last week was entitled, What Is Your Powerful Word for a Grand New Year?. I wrote that I was looking for a powerful new word for the new year and was going use my Yellow Brain to dedicate my yoga practice and mediate upon my selection. Before the Kundalini yoga (“the yoga of awareness”) class began, I purposely moved closer to the beautiful amethyst quartz in front of the Silver Lotus yoga studio. Amethyst is my birthstone and the purple resonates with my Blue Brain as nonfictional Princess Shayna and the creator of the fictional heroine in my children’s book, Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift.

As class began, the word “abundant” continued to pop into my Green Brain. I thought that would be my powerful new word for 2016. However, I was mistaken. “Golden Chain” began to invade my brain as I meditated during my practice. My yoga instructor, Chenoa Lorenzo, always reminds her students of the “Golden Chain” that links all of us to the wisdom of those who have come before us and given us their legacy. The thought of  initiate a vision in my mind of a “Golden Chain” from my childhood.

The timing of the vision was perfect! My Bat Mitzvah, the Jewish coming of age ceremony for girls, was held on January 25, 1958. My Orange Brain was ecstatic remembering the beautiful “Golden Chain” charm bracelet my parents had given me and the charms (that have amethyst gems) from my maternal grandmother, aunts, and uncles. The bracelet represents my “Golden Chain” and the “abundant” love, wisdom, encouragement, security, confidence, and legacy from my loved ones!

Now, I have 3 powerful words for the new year and I am wearing my Bat Mitzvah charm bracelet everyday to remind me of the copious blessings of my “Abundant Golden Chain!”

I hope this post has encouraged you to think about your powerful word or words for the new year and the charms and blessings of your “Abundant Golden Chain!”

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