The #1 Secret for Writing a Book!
Why write a book
I find it fascinating that so many people are eager to know how an author writes a book. They are curious for many reason. Below are just a few:
1. They want to write a book.
2. They are thinking about writing a book.
3. They don’t know how to begin writing a book.
4. The began writing a book, but stopped.
5. Someone else wants them to write a book.
Brain Color writing tips
I begin by explaining that my writing process involves Yellow Brain Planning, Blue Brain Creativity, Green Brain Research, and Orange Brain Determination. I utilized the same process for writing all my books, and for my reviewing and revising my book when it is in a manuscript form and my editor has sent her edits back to me to review and revise.
New Brain Color book
This blog is timely because I just completed the first draft of my book proposal for my publisher. This new book will be the 3rd in the What Color Is Your Brain?® series. The book will have a specifically focused audience and two knowledgeable co-authors, who are experts in their field of work. Stay tuned… I will reveal the title in the next few months.
My Princess Shayna quilt
The beautiful, color-filled, and hand made Princess Shayna quilt was made by Michelle Bracken’s 4th grade students in 1999. It covers my writing chair with sweet Blue Brain memories of traveling to New York to enjoying teaching the children the meaningful messages of respect, acceptance, and appreciation of differences from my Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift book, with Michelle, who is my dearest friend and college room mate!
#1 Secret for writing a book
I believe that most writers will agree with my #1 Secret for writing a book. It is not complicated, nor does it require great skill. It is surprisingly simple.
The #1 Secret for writing a book is: You put your tushy, also known as your buttock, fanny, bottom, derriere, gluteus maximus, butt, and/or posterior, in a chair and begin writing!
My family business memoir No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is available on
Remember: 10% of royalties from the sale of No Bunk will be allocated to JDRF.
Don’t forget about the FREE Chapter, #7 Your Romantic Relationships, from my original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, which you will receive when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage!
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