Have you ever noticed that people quickly register a verbal or written complaint, but rarely make time to register a compliment. Not so for my “Green/Yellow Brain” father and my “Yellow/Blue Brain” mother. Both, were  a masterful wordsmiths. I am grateful that I was the beneficiary of their letter writing lessons. They taught me to acknowledge people when your receive poor and excellent service with a written message.

This week has been filled with the “Yellow Brain Emily Post” etiquette that I grew up with in the 1950’s.

Below is a message (I would have preferred a letter, but email was appropriate for an immediate acknoweldgment) I wrote to the Mr. Jo-L Hendrickson, founder, Chairman, and CEO of Individual Software in Pleasanton, California, to acknowledge Matt Moran, one of the company’s technical support managers. I also copied Dwayne Tatum, Matt’s supervisor.

As you can tell, my “Blue Brain” was delighted with the outstanding customer service I received.

“Dear Mr. Hendrickson,

This message is an acknowledgment for Matt Moran and a “Thank You” for Matt’s extraordinary customer service!  

Today (August 12th), August 11th and 10th and last June, I had the pleasure of working with Matt, who was incredibly knowledgeable, patience, communicative and personable, while solving my Anytime Organizer calendar problems. I greatly appreciated how Matt went out of his way and spent a great deal of time making sure I was a satisfied and comfortable customer. Now, my program is working most efficiently and effectively, thanks to Matt’s expertise!

Since, I am most grateful for Matt’s time, effort, and professionalism I thought it was important for me and your company to recognize Matt as a consummate technician support manager.  Matt is definitely committed having a polite and positive attitude, helping his customers and doing an extraordinary job!

Most significantly, Matt is a man of his word! When he told me he would call me back he did! How refreshing and respectful! Something one rarely experiences in today’s business climate.

People like Matt are the reason people me write “Thank You” letters. Personally, I think Matt should be a trainer and teach others his exemplary method of communication and customer assistance… BRAVO! In fact, on Monday, August 10th, one of the other technical support staff members referred me to Matt when he couldn’t seem to grasp what I was telling him about my problem.

I believe, I have used AnyTime Organizer for over 10 years. People have suggested that I change to another data base program. However, I am a loyal fan. I have also encouraged clients and friends to purchase the AnyTime Organizer program, which they have.

Over the years, I have spoken with several individual for technical assistance. However, no one has lived up to Matt’s quintessential technical/customer service!  I will be sure to request Matt  if I ever need future assistance.”

On Monday, I received a lovely hand written note from Sandra B. Grear, Vice President of Membership and Professional Development at the College of American Pathologists (CAP) College of American Pathologists (CAP).

I appreciated Sandra’s  “Thank You” and complinents about

What Color Is Your Brain?. Her message was a delightful surprise,
which I responded to with a hand written note.

When was the last time you wrote a thank you message to someone?

Sheila N. Glazov, Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my What Color Is Your Brain? book  and workshops.
10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

Turbo Tagger

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