Tenacious Technical Terrier
Family and friends have often compared my personality to a terrier. A spunky breed of dog, known for a tenacious and courageous temperament, which is magnified by their determination to hold onto whatever is within their grasp.
Jericho, a Bedlington terrier, and our first Glazov family dog (1972)
Last week, the technical problems with my blog were an unforgiving challenge. Just when I thought all was fix, sap another “Blog Bomb” would explode on my side bar. However, being a “terrier” I was determined to fix the problems myself. Last Friday, I spent the entire day “doggedly” working on the html and sidebar layout.
My mantra for the day had come, ” I think, I can, I think I can..” from the classic children’s book The Little Engine That Could .
Tips from my blog masters Michael Snell and Derrick Sorels at Business Blogging Tips, and assistance from Ryan, the customer service representative, at Go-Daddy helped me to finally achieve success at 5:35pm.
I though I could, I thought I could and I DID…
I’m grateful for my terrier personality!
Sheila N. Glazov, Author and Personality Type Expert who offers workshop, keynote and training programs.Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops. 10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
terrier personality bedlington terrier little engine that could sheila glazov temperament Turbo Tagger
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Woof- to u 2 ^..^
Woof- to u 2 ^..^