Last Spring, I was scheduled to present a What Color Is Your Brain? luncheon program at an EWomen Networking meeting. My “Blue Brain Intuition” keep whispering, “Something joyful and exciting is going to happen at the presentation.”
While I was preparing for my presentation, I discover exactly why I trusted what my intuition was whispering to me. A beautiful young woman with sparkling blue eyes came up to me said, “I am Diane Testa. Your were my third grade teacher. Yes, I remembered Diane. She had been one of my third grade students at George Washington Elementary School in Park Ridge, Illinois.
Diane had learned that I was speaking at the event from a one of her friends. I was practically speechless and overwhelmed with joyful memories when Diane introduced herself.
We had a lot of catching up to do… over 40 years worth!!
Diane and I sat next to each other during the luncheon and couldn’t stop hugging and chatting. We had been asked to network with the other attendees at our table and we attempted to be polite. However, we were so engrossed with each other we could barely listen to their introductions or follow the facilitator’s networking instructions.
After my What Color Is Your Brain? presentation, I immediately returned to my chair next to Diane and discovered more about her life since third grade. Learning about Diane’s professional and personal journey was most inspiring. I was honored by the effort and time she made to reunite us. I admired her extraordinary courageous when she told me
about her decision to become a single mother by traveling to Vietnam
and adopting her precious daughter.
As a woman and her teacher, I was bursting with pride as I listened to her story.
After copious hugs and promises to stay in touch, we eventually got in our cars to return home.
Since, that time I know Diane has been very busy caring for her daughter and beginning a new career.
I was thrilled when I received pictures of Diane’s adorable daughter and a message that an article she had written about her life changing journey had been published at Women’s Media.
Recently, I received another message about Diane’s latest professional endeavor. She is co-facilitating Finding My Good Life Workshops on October 25th and November 13th with Dr. Carole Parker. I am wishing Diane and Carole the “Best of Luck”and every success they wish for themselves and their workshop attendees.
Through the years, I have experienced many surprise reunions with former students. I consider the experiences to be a privilege and a blessing. I have learned how I touched my students’ lives, and I have had the opportunity to tell them I how honored I am when I discover what admirable adult they have become!
“Diane, you are an admirable woman and I thank you for our reunion!”
Sheila N. Glazov, Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator
Take a Brain Color Quiz, and learn about my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops.
what color is your brain
diane testa
george washington elementary school park ridge illinois
dr. carole parker
finding my good life workshops
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