Word Wednesday – “Pandiculation”

“Pandiculation” is my word for #WordWednesday. Noun: A yawning and stretching or stiffening of body and extremities when fatigued, drowsy, or after waking. Usage: “Pandiculation”  is part of my daily yoga practice.   Pronunciation: http://tiny.cc/m3f78y – pan-ˌdik-yə-ˈlā-shən Does “Pandiculation” help you wake up in the morning?   My family business memoir, No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is available on Amazon.com. Remember: 10% of royalties…

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My Broken Leg Is Celebrating International Yoga Day!

Today is International Yoga Day and my “Healing Broken Leg” joyfully celebrated the worldwide event by attending my Joints and Glands Yoga Class at Silver Lotus Yoga, this morning. I have been practicing Yoga for over 25 years. The physical, emotional, and mental benefits have contributed to my healthy and energetic body, mind, and spirit. Eleven…

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Keep looking… “If you’re aware, the gifts are there!”

The political campaigns, candidates, and their behavior are inundating the United States media, which led to a Brain Color discussion after my Silver Lotus Kundalini yoga (the yoga of awareness) practice, this morning. Chenoa, our yoga teacher, was talking about the lyrics: “Once in a while you get shown the light, In the strangest of…

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The Charms of An Abundant Golden Chain

My post last week was entitled, What Is Your Powerful Word for a Grand New Year?. I wrote that I was looking for a powerful new word for the new year and was going use my Yellow Brain to dedicate my yoga practice and mediate upon my selection. Before the Kundalini yoga (“the yoga of awareness”)…

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What Is Your Powerful Word for a Grand New Year?

For many years, I have selected a new word as my business mantra, focus, and motivation for the new year. Today, while ready fellow author Laurie Buchanan’s Alliance blog post, I realized that I had not selected my new year word. Hmmm? Would my word be a Yellow Brain word about planning and being responsible?…

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Do You Think Children’s Stories Are Stupid And Illogical?

This morning, before our Blue Brain Relaxing Yoga class began, a few of the women were chatting with one another. One of the  women, who I suspected was a Green Brainer, confirmed my suspicion with her comment about a children’s book and a fairy tale. She told us, “I hated Charlotte’s web and thought a…

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