Statistics for Parents, Children & their Brain Color Personalities

This afternoon, I will be facilitating a What Color Is Your Brain? “Parenting” Program at the Gertrude B. Neilson Child Care and Learning Center. I have previously facilitated a Brain Color program for the Team Leaders and another for all the Teachers and Staff members. Executive director, Lana Weiner told me, “Our teachers haven’t stopped talking about brain color and are…

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Bullying Behavior and Brain Color Personalities

A bully is a person who repeatedly browbeats or intimidates another person and is habitually is cruel to others who are weaker than he or she. When I was a child we had only one neighborhood bully. Today, it is disturbing and sad to note that there are multiple bullies in our homes, communities, schools, workplaces, and on-line. Bully behavior has become is a extremely serious issue. According to…

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Brain Color Stress Less Holiday Tips #1

From the decorations in our neighborhoods and communities, the adds in the newspaper and online, and comments like: “Yikes, I’m already stressing out!”, I think the Holiday Season has begun. To help you enjoy the season of celebrations a little more hassle-free, my “Blue Brain” thought it would be helpful to post “Brain Color Stress Less…

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Blue Brain Color Clue of the Day!

“Blue Brain” Color Tip of the Day: I thought this Brain Color Clue would be appropriate because of celebrating Thanksgiving, last Thursday. My brilliant “Green Brain” friend, Joe O’Rourke told me that his sister-in-law made 135 pounds of turkey for Thanksgiving. Then she prepared gallon zip lock bags, which she passed out as people were leaving after the Thanksgiving…

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Mother’s Wisdom and Gifts about Life and Death

One of my favorite poets, Frances Woodworth Howells wrote: “Life is sadly out of tune when memories must live with us too soon.” My life is tragically out of  tune and my “Blue Heart” has been breaking because our dear, sweet, intelligent, generous and loving cousin, Beverly Gibstein Glazov Berman passed away on November 11th. Beverly was not only…

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Your Brain Color Personality Tee Shirt

I recently wore a tee shirt I purchased in Door County, Wisconsin . I bought the tee shirt because the message printed on the front resonated with me and hit the bull’s eye about my personality. It got me thinking about what the other Brain Color Personality tee shirts might say… Yellow Brain tee shirt: “Do you want to be…

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Garden Tending, Preparing and Protecting for Winter

All weekend, my husband and I prepared and protected our yard and gardens for the gifts of winter. It was so chilly in Chicago that I wore my heavy alpaca socks, a wool sweater over my overalls and my fleece baseball cap that has ear flaps. We prepared our perennial gardens by removing all the ornaments and…

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Brain Colors Receive, Process & Respond Differently

Recently, my husband and I were having a discussion about how the four Brain Colors receive, process and respond to information differently It is fascinating to examine each Brain Color’s behavior, which resembles a gear that needs to be maintained in a specific manner. Yellow Brainers are comfortable when they receive information in an organized format, as if it…

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WorkZone for TeamWork

I am enjoying a terrific new “Green Brain System” to share documents with my publicist, Cynthia Stine. As a Right Brain – Blue Brainer, I uncomfortable and not used to using Cynthia’s Left Brain – “Extranet“. However, now I am enjoying the learning process. I am impressed with how efficiently it works and instantly keeps a permanent record of all the documents sent back and forth between me, Cynthia and her team. I love…

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Amazon Author Central – A Hidden Treasure!

Did you know that Amazon Author Central  is a remarkable service for authors of any genre. I had known about the service but did not fully understand the extraordinary assistance an author could ask for and receive. A friend informed me that Princess Shayna’s InvisibleVisible Gift  was as ‘Temporarily Out of Stock” on I thanked my…

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A Writer’s Swamp Lesson

I apologize for not writting a blog post since September 27th. I did miss writing my posts. However, instead of Writer’s Cramp, I experienced “Writer’s Swamp”. It all began with… preparations for our family observance of Rosh Hashanah, followed by preparations for 3 What Color Is Your Brain? Programs in one week, observance of Yom Kippur with our family, reviewing and revising my new…

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