Posts Tagged ‘yellow brain’
Understanding How Your Brain Color Solves Problems (a one minute reading time)
Solving Problems Differently This morning, I was having an issue about my books. The conversation confirmed how differently I solve problems, than the person I was speaking with about my problem. Brain Color Personalities Our Brain Color personalities infuence our perspectives, when we put our “Thinking Caps” on to solve our problems. Yellow Brainers make…
Read moreWatch My “Enlightening” and Helpful Brain Color Interview!
Watch my interveiw You can watch my Enlightenment Exchange interview on my Youtube Channel. Conversation Our conversation was colorfilled and informative! The host and I had a grand time chatting. I enjoyed helping the host understand my Brain Color Concepts from my What Color Is Your Brain?® book, and how they easly can adapt the…
Read moreMark Your Calendar for An Enlightening Interview
Date and Time Mark your calendars for my enlightening and colorful YouTube Interveiw on Wednesday, July 3rd at 3:00pm CDT. YouTube Link The following is the link for the program. Angie’s Message and Tip “This is a really exciting episode! Join us as we have a conversation with Sheila Glazov, the creator of this…
Read moreDiscover Why Some Personalties Find It Difficult To Solve Problems
Confusion During the last week, I had been confused and finding it difficult to solve a problem. I was frustrated and knew I was not in control of the issue, However, I new I could help to solve the problem. Asking Questions I thought about the equestions the need to be answered. I also had…
Read moreTest of Time Mission Statement – No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense)!
No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) To start off the year on a positive and encourging note, today’s post is from my Family Business Memior entitiled No Bunk (no nonsense), Just BS (Business Sense : 50 Timely and Timelsss Truths Business School Cannot Teach You. The post will come from the collection of HI-LITER Newsletters…
Read moreMotivation Tips To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions!
New Year’s Resolutions When the New Year begins many people decide to make resolutions to achieve their personal and/or professional goals! Of course, individuals make decisions differently according to their Brain Color Personality, how they are motivated, and if they confidently say, “I think I can, I think I can,” just like the little engine,…
Read moreHassle-Free Brain Color Tips for Harmonious Holilday Celebrations!
Your Life During the Holidays During the holiday season, do you ever wonder why some individuals in your personal and/or professional life resemble people on a Disney World dream vacation brochure or on the “most wanted” listings at your local post office? Brain Color Personaliites You can enjoy your family members, colleagues, and friends during the…
Read moreA Client’s Surprising Colorful “Thank You” Gift
Post Program Print Outs Last week , I worked on my Post Program Print Outs. Firstly, I organized the documents with everyone’s names (in alphabetical order), Brain Color rankings, and Praiseworthy Gifts from the program on June 5th for the Gertrude B. Nilelson Learning Center Staff. I also printed out the answers to their Brain…
Read moreMy Mother’s Long Spoon Wisdom for Solving Problems In Your Relationships!
Problems With Relationships Have you ever had a problem with someone, which caused discomfort in your relationship and made you wanted to keep your distance from that individual? I think we all have experienced that type of situation. My Mother’s Wisdom and Metaphor My mother created her own axiom for dealing with those circumstances. She…
Read moreI Experienced Bully Behavior In A Doctor’s Office!
A Doctor Who Is A Bully Last month, I experienced Bully Behavior in a doctors office! My husband and I were shocked and disturbed by the doctor’s behavior: 1. His belligerent tone of voice. 2. His lack of eye contact with me and my husband. 3. His body language, with his feet out in front…
Read moreImprove Your Communication Skills and Relationships: 10 Clues for Sincere Listening!
Please Listen To Me It seems that people are plugged into electronics, instead of what another adult or child is saying to them. However, what most people are usually listening for and/or asking for someone to “Please listen to me!” Hearing, But Not Listening Do you ever feel that people are physically hearing what you…
Read moreTips to Create a Joyful Holiday Remembrance or Legacy of Your Loved Ones!
The Holiday Spirit The Holiday Season can be filled with joy and excitement. It also can be a time of heartfelt sadness and loss. As the Helen Keller heartfelt quote, on the left, reads: “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the…
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