Posts Tagged ‘wgn tv’
Honor your mother by understanding her personality!
Sunday, May 10th is Mother’s Day and what would have been my beloved mothers’ 103rd birthday. On the left is a picture of my mother and I wearing our fashionable Mother-Daughter dresses, which my mother designed and sewed. We are standing in our garden in 1948. My mother was 31 years old and I was…
Read moreWatch My WGN TV Interview Video for A Happy Mother’s Day Celebration!
Are you thrilled or traumatized when someone remarks, “Oh, you are just like your mother.”? Does the bond between you and your mother create comfort or chaos in your life? Is being your “Mother’s Mini Me” a blessing or a curse? The answers to these questions are simple once you understand my Brain Color theory.…
Read moreAmazon Author Central – A Hidden Treasure!
Did you know that Amazon Author Central is a remarkable service for authors of any genre. I had known about the service but did not fully understand the extraordinary assistance an author could ask for and receive. A friend informed me that Princess Shayna’s InvisibleVisible Gift was as ‘Temporarily Out of Stock” on I thanked my…
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