Only 6 Days Until Princess Shayna and The Invisible Visible Gift Return to Broadway!

The Invisible Visible Gift, an original and delightful musical, will return to the Broadway Theatre of Pitman next week, on  Thursday, April 3rd and Friday, April 4th at 10:00 am! Last October, the premier performances received rave reviews from teachers, students, and parents: “Fantastic!, Fun!, Loved it!, Great messages for children!, Fits perfectly into students…

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Children’s Musical Premier Performance for Bully Prevention Month in only 10 days!

Counting down to only 10 more days until the premier performance of The invisible Visible Gift. This delightfully engaging musical theater adaptation of my children’s book, Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift is part of the Broadway Theatre’s Educational Series, which will begin in October for National Bully Prevention Month. The musical will be produced and…

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How do you write a book? You put your tushy in the chair!

Question: What must every writer do when she or he has a deadline for writing a book? Answer: Put their tushy in the chair! And stay focused on the writing task. It is not easy or comfortable. You must put other business and writing projects aside. But it gets the job done! Yesterday, my Green…

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