5th Grade Enrichment Student’s Discover their “Praiseworthy Gifts” during my 3rd Author School Visit

Last Friday, January 24th, I enjoyed my 3rd Author School Visit to the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Elementary School in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. I was looking forward to working Laura Newcomer’s 5th grade Skills Block (Enrichment) class because they have read the first third of my children’s Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift for their novel/book study…

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2nd Author School Visit with Enrichment Students reading “Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift”

This past week, I enjoyed my 2nd Author School Visit to the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Elementary School in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. I am working with  Laura Newcomer’s 5th grade Skills Block (Enrichment) class.  The students have begun an exciting new novel/book study unit and reading my children’ book, Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift. As the…

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How do you write a book? You put your tushy in the chair!

Question: What must every writer do when she or he has a deadline for writing a book? Answer: Put their tushy in the chair! And stay focused on the writing task. It is not easy or comfortable. You must put other business and writing projects aside. But it gets the job done! Yesterday, my Green…

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