Posts Tagged ‘sheila glazov’
Only 6 Days Until Princess Shayna and The Invisible Visible Gift Return to Broadway!
The Invisible Visible Gift, an original and delightful musical, will return to the Broadway Theatre of Pitman next week, on Thursday, April 3rd and Friday, April 4th at 10:00 am! Last October, the premier performances received rave reviews from teachers, students, and parents: “Fantastic!, Fun!, Loved it!, Great messages for children!, Fits perfectly into students…
Read moreHighlighted Author Interview – What Color Is Your Brain? Book
It’s grand to be back from my business travels and catch up on my blogging! My Orange Brain is excited to let you know about my Highlighted Author Interview that Charlene A Wilson. Charlene is an “author of romantic tales that take you to other worlds, dimensions, and times, as well as our very own. Whether it be…
Read moreDoes Culture (nationality/racial heritage) Infulence Your Brain Color Personality?
Last week, I received a message a LinkedIn message from my British friend and fellow professional speaker Philippa Games CMC. Philippa wrote: “…while I’m in the midst of teaching 75 students from all over the world – it’s an amazing experience (and takes lots of concentration to listen to all the accents!) Do you think…
Read moreNew Brain Color Tips In July BrainBuzz Newsletter
After a month long hiatus, my Creative Blue Brain is slowly getting back on track with my Blog posting. It feels like riding a bike. People say you never forget how to ride. However, I am still a little wobbly. I am delighted that my July BrainBuzz Newsletter jump-started my writing schedule again, in preparation…
Read morePicMonkey Photo Editing Replaces Google Picnik
A few weeks ago, Google closed the Picnik photo editing site. Now, thanks to my web designer Jeff Lewis at The Webs We Weave, I am using PicMonkey for editing photos for my Sheila Glazov website, the new Princess Shayna Book/Musical section on the website Navigation Bar and my Blog. I am enjoying this easy and effective photo editing tool!…
Read moreIs Your Personality Type Challenged by the Editing Process?
I had been putting off creating short videos of my What Color Is Your Brain? Program video from an Association of Occupational Health Professionals (AOHP) Annual Conference. I liked the video clips, but my Green Brain abilities always score the lowest on my personality assessment/brain quiz. My Yellow Brain Planned to set aside time this week to complete this work. My Creative Blue…
Read moreBoost Your Brain Power with March BrainBuzz Newsletter
Breaking News…the March issue of my BrainBuzz is hot off my fingers tips! In this issue you can read about: 1. The “Exciting” Princess Shayna Musical, discover “Performers’” Brain Colors and see a list of all the previous Princess Shayan Musical blog posts. 2. My announcement about the new Princess Shayna Teacher Guide, which will be available in the next…
Read moreMy Mother’s Message About Diabetes
The Thanksgiving holiday is a bittersweet time for me. I celebrated the 47th anniversary of meeting my husband, Jordan, and the following day I acknowledged the 26th anniversary of our son, Joshua being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. When I redesigned my new website, I made sure there was a section about “Diabetes” that would offered visitors educational and inspirational experiences. One of the sections…
Read moreSheila Glazov’s November BrainBuzz
On Tuesday, I sent out my November BrainBuzz Newsletter. If you missed your copy, click Sheila Glazov’s November BrainBuzz to read about: What’s New: Announcements about my books, how to “Like” my newly redesigned Facebook Fan Page, and information about subscribing to this Blog, if you are not a regular subscriber. A Time of Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving celebrations, traditions and a secret about my husband and I…
Read moreOctober BrainBuzz & Trick or Treat Tips
The October BrainBuzz has been published. In this edition you can enjoy reading about: 1. October the month of “Change” and how my Sheila Glazov website has been changed! 3. Educators Brain Colors and what they value in their classrooms. 4. Orange Brainer’s POV (Point of View) how they view the 4 different Brain Colors positively and negatively. 5. Sales “Trick or Treat”…
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