My Secrets To Discover Buried Treasures In Your Office!

Yellow Brain Clean Up Plan Today, I am continuing my Yellow Brain Clean Up My Office Plan to clean out the large file drawers in my office. I began last Friday, worked through last weekend, and continuing this week. My Goal My goal is to complete this project and then begin writing my new book,…

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10 Clues for Sincere Listening to Improve Your Communication Skills

This afternoon, I was researching a photo to use for an appropriate slide in new What Color Is Your Brain? presentation. I clicked on Google Images and typed “people listening senior” in the search space. To my surprise, most of the photo were seniors wearing headphones, ear buds, or holding a boom box.  It seems…

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Jump into the Pool of Possibilities

Mary Ann Maruska, an attendee at one of my What Color Is Your Brain? Programs shared a “Fun Orange Brain” expression with me…  “Jump into the pool of possibilities!” That really creates fantastic images for me? However, my favorite image is this picture of the little girl jumping off the diving board. I loved her the moment I saw her. Her 1950’s…

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