How I Discovered A Precious Treasure!

Searching for a document Last week, I was searching for a document that I thought was in a folder in my Princess Shayna files in my office. When I looked in the file drawer, I did not find the document. Instead, I found a multitude of folders filled with “Thank you” notes and letters. It…

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Children’s Book Teaches Communication Skills and Respect For Others!

Watch The Video Valuable Communiction Skills My “Family Fairy Tale” which is entitled Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift was written for children, teachers, and parents and to teach communication skills and respect for others What Do Children Learn? Children discover the valuable lessons to respect people’s differences and similiarities, and achieve cooperation and understanding to…

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Children’s Book Is Front Page News

It is a rare occasion to open the front page of a newspaper and read the headline and stories that are not are sad, disturbing and often violent. I was delighted to read a front page headline and story that was joyful, encouraging and educational. “Writing from Chicago” was the headline and the story feature 4 local Jewish authors. One of them…

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