The Joy of Planting Two Colossal Pollinator Gardens!

UFOs Landed In Our Backyard We had to remove 2 dead trees from our backyard. For 2 years we could not decide what to plant in the 2 circular spaces where the Blue Spruce Fat Alberts had graced our back yard. The empty circles looked like 2 UFOs  had landed in our backyard. Gardener One…

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Gardening Is Good for Your Mental Health!

Our Mental Health Sadly, we are now reading, watching, and listening to issues that impact our mental health. Time in Our Gardens With all the sadness in the world, to keep myself and my husband mentally healthy we spend time tending, planting, and weeding the gardens and plants around our home. A Garden Poem for…

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Is Your Brain “Pot-bound”?

How Does Your Brain Feel? Do you every feel like your brain is bound up and your thoughts are going in circles? I thought about this metaphor, today while I was transplanting 3 of my Christmas Cactus plants that I have had for 20 years. Encircling Your Brain? When I took the plants out of…

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Word Wednesday – “Winterize”

Word Wednesday • “Winterize” is my word for WordWednesday Definition • Verb – (North American) to adapt or prepare a garden, house and/or an automobile for use in cold weather. Pronunciation • Pronunciation – win(t)əˌrīz   Usage •  Last Saturday, Jordan and I practiced our annual autumn “Winterize” ritual to store all of our summer garden ornaments, take out some…

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