Fantastic Holiday Hidden Treasures Fine Art Show that Benefits Senior Pet Rescue and Adoption

Today, my Guest Blogger is my Talented Blue Brain Friend, Kathleen Rickert Nelson of Kathleen Nelson Fine Art, Inc. Now Kathleen is going to tell you about herself and the wonderful event she has coordinated. Take it away Kathleen… “I’m passionate illustrator of homes, businesses, historic aircraft and family pets.  I’m hosting my very first art show –…

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A Poem To Bring You Comfort When Your Beloved Pet Has Died

Recently, Brenda, who is  one of my Facebook Friends, posted that her beloved dog Chloe had died. My Blue Heart understood Brenda’s terrible loss of a four legged, fur-covered family member. When Golde My Dear, our Golden-Newfoundland- Labrador mix, died our veterinarian, Dr. Raymond Hinkle sent me The Rainbow Bridge Poem. It comforted my broken…

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