Think About Your Mocking Judgements

“You mock the things you are to be, so judge them very carefully!” My warning recently came to mind when I pulled my blue jeans out of the washer and discovered they were covered with copious wet Kleenex snowflakes. My Orange Brain laughed, as my Green Brain reminisced about  lovingly teasing my Yellow/Blue Brain mother…

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Why Does Your Brain Color Personality Influence How You Vote?

Today, is the long awaited Election Day in the United States. My husband and I were Yellow Brain Voters and promptly cast our ballot early, two weeks ago when our township office opened their voting facility. I think that our Brain Color Personalities affect our voting and the article in the  2008 -Psychology  Today magazine…

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In Need Of A Better Frame Of Brain!

I planned on writing a post today. However, I have spent the last 6 hours on the phone with Comcast about phone and email service and then iYogi to fix my Outlook program. It was all about Green technology action and reaction! Sorry, but my Brain Colors are exhausted, exasperated, frazzled and fizzled However, I…

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Happy Halloween Family Tradition!

Today, we are going to enjoy our  Blue Family/Orange Fun  Annual Glazov Family Halloween Tradition. We all gather at our eldest son’s and daughter-in-law’s home to Trick or Treat in their beautifully decorated neighborhood. We are going to dress warmly since it is very chilly in Chicago. After our grandchildren have filled their Halloween bucket,…

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The Power of “Power”

The Power of Hurricane Sandy brought many definitions of the word “Power” to my Green Brain. The Merriam Webster online dictionary gave 6 definitions for the word  “Power” . 1. (a) Ability to act or produce an effect  (b) Legal or official authority, capacity, or right 2. Possession of control, authority, or influence over others…

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Do You Think Children’s Stories Are Stupid And Illogical?

This morning, before our Blue Brain Relaxing Yoga class began, a few of the women were chatting with one another. One of the  women, who I suspected was a Green Brainer, confirmed my suspicion with her comment about a children’s book and a fairy tale. She told us, “I hated Charlotte’s web and thought a…

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Writer Gone Fishing For Words and Ideas

This is a beautiful time of year to enjoy a “Writer’s Retreat”! Yom Kippur begins tonight, and I am making Yellow Brain Preparations for the holiday and a “Writer’s Retreat”. I will not be trawling for fish. However, I will be fishing for words and ideas, and not writing any blog post. My Yellow Brain is…

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Parents’ Brain Color Personalities Are Front Page News!

What Color Is Your “Parenting” Brain?® Program is front page news! My thanks to Terri Meyer, Program Director at the Ela Area Library for asking me to present the “Parenting” program. You can read the entire article about my “Parenting” Program, which was published in the Sun-Times Pioneer Press Newspaper. The article included the 4…

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A Busybody In Your Business

Are you or is someone you know a “Busybody”? That is: Someone who meddles and pries into other people’s business, such as Miss Gulch in my favorite movie, The Wizard Of Oz. My friend and fellow author, Laurie Buchanan wrote a recent blog post about sticking your nose where it does not belong. My response…

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Does Your Computer Have “Good Karma” & Excellent Technical Support?

My computer has “Good Karma” and excellent technical support because I have a contract with iYogi. I have been using iYogi’s services for many years and just renewed my service contract for another 2 years. Whenever I have a problem with my computer, I immediately call iYogi and they quickly diagnose the problem and repair…

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