Posts Tagged ‘orange brain’
Be Inspired… Believe “It Can Be Done!”
Today, I want to share one of my favorite poems, which our Girls Summer Camp Direct, Miss Minnie A. Cohen, often read to the campers during our Mac-Do Lodge awards campfires, on Sunday evenings. This poem has inspired me, my family members, friends, and clients for many years. Recently, this poem resonated with my husband…
Read morePlay for Peace or Peace At Any Price
Whenever we read a newspaper, watch TV, or log on to a computer we are bombarded with horrific, violent, and distressing stories from around the world and in our own communities. My Blue Brain is deeply disturbed by these stories. A few weeks ago I was speaking with John Guarrine, a Blue Brain long-time colleague,…
Read moreExtraordinary Customer Service and Satisfaction from Amazon’s Author Central!
WOW! It’s happened again! Yesterday, I experienced Extraordinary Customer Service and Satisfaction from Amazon Central!! I am writing this long post (saga) for my readers, fellow authors, the Author Central staff members, and for Jeff Bezos and his staff, who supposedly read emails that are sent to them. I will be sending another email to…
Read moreAuthor Is Back from Hiatus with A New Brain Color Book and Diabetes Book!
I am back and feeling better than ever about my hiatus and my two new books! Since my last post Researching and Revising a New Book is More fun on a Summer Porch on July 17th I completed my new Brain Color Book entitled: What Color Is Your Brain? When Caring for Patients: An Easy…
Read moreResearching and Revising A New Book Is More Fun On A Summer Porch!
My Brain Loves being Green! For the past two days, I have sitting on our porch enjoying the beautiful summer days in Chicago being Green: Writing, Revising, and Researching! In my last blog post on July 9th, I explained about my Green Brain writing process for my new What Color Is Your Brain? When Caring…
Read moreRefreshing Summer Spinach Borscht Recipe Is A Glazov Family Favorite!
You know it is summertime in our home when the old Spinach Borscht pot comes out of the cabinet. My remarkable Green Brain mother-in-law, later lovingly referred to as “Grandma Lil,” gave me my 6-quart enameled Spinach Borscht pot as a bridal show gift, 47 years ago. My introduction to Spinach Borscht was in the…
Read moreDon’t dread summer vacations and visitors; they can be harmonious, instead of horrific!
Do you think of your vacation as torturous because you are spending time with the horrific cast members of a soap opera? Or is your vacation as beautiful and relaxed as the people and setting on the cover of Good Housekeeping magazine? Either way, your vacation and/or visitors do not have to be dreadful. They…
Read moreSensational Summer Tips about Vacations, Visitors, Spinach Borscht, and Living Life Well
Summer has finally arrived in Chicago and my June 2014 BrainBuzz Newletter has been published. This month’s newsletter will offer you sensational summer tips about vacations, visitors, spinach borscht, and living life well. Below are header highlights from the newsletter. Your Brain Color Summer Vacations and Visitors Yellow Brainers arrange for well-planned vacations. Blue Brainers…
Read moreAuthentic Narrative Voices from Health Care Professionals and Experts
My Green Brain has been writing and revising the front material (dedication, acknowledgements, and author introduction) for my new book, What Color Is Your Brain? When Caring for Patients: An Easy Approach for Understanding Your Personality Type and Your Patient’s Perspective. I am delighted that my publisher is extremely pleased with all the Yellow Brain…
Read moreHelpful Tips When Your Brain Color Personality Is Feeling Overwhelmed!
One definition of overwhelm is bury or drown beneath a huge mass. That is how All my Brain Colors are feeling today. I could list what has made me feel overwhelmed, but then you might also feel overwhelmed! Instead my Blue Brain is going to take a break from my tasks and write this blog…
Read moreA Memorial Day Weekend Remembrance for Our Fallen Heroes
People in the United States are preparing for the Holiday Weekend and the Memorial Day Observance on Monday, May 26th. Each Brain Color will look forward to the weekend and holiday from their own unique perspective. Yellow Brainers are making preparations and plans for trips, holiday gatherings and entertainment. Blue Brainers are looking forward to…
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