“A Garden For Daily Living” – An Inspiring and Clever Poem to Help You Through This Challenging Time

Nature and Nurture My Blue Brain is happily watching the nature’s beautifully peaceful snow-fall. I know the moisture will nurture our gardens, flowers, bushes, and trees to keep them healthy for their springtime transition and change. New Beginnings As our new year and our new United States presidential administration begins, I thought about what each…

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Spring Cleaning in the Garden Teaches Life Lessons!

Mother Nature teaches us valuable life lessons each spring. Living in the Chicagoland area  offers me the beauty, bounties, and benefits of the autumn, winter, spring, and summer seasons. After a snowy and cold winter, I am always eager for spring cleaning in my gardens. Below are my Brain Color Life Lessons that my garden…

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Mother Nature’s Gift of Change – A Pair of Pears

This morning, I returned from a meeting and was greeted by our lovely chanticleer (pyrus caleryana) pear trees in one of our perennial gardens. Jordan and I planted both trees 4 1/2  years ago. One to celebrate our 40th anniversary and the other to celebrate our granddaughter Yasmin’s birth. In fact, the burlap that was wrapped around the ball of roots of one of…

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