Posts Tagged ‘memoir’
Wondering How To Make Your Business More Successful?
Publishing Anniversary I am delighted to announce that this week is the 6th Publising Anniversary of my 6th book: No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense): 50 Timely and Timeless Truths Business School Cannot Teach You! This book is a tribute to my parents and is a family business memoir. An Appropriate Quote “I wish companies…
Read moreDo You Live Your Life Constructively?
Listening To The News Today, I was tuned into NPR while I was driving. For the first 10 minutes, all I heard were statistic of how many people were killed, all over the world! The news made me think of my beloved father’s favorite poem. Think About How You Live Your Life Have you ever…
Read moreDiscover How Excellent Leaders Improves People’s Lives
No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) Today’s post is from my Family Business Memior entitiled No Bunk (no nonsense), Just BS (Business Sense : 50 Timely and Timelsss Truths Business School Cannot Teach You. The post will come from the collection of HI-LITER Newsletters from the Lab-Line Instruments, Inc., the laboratory instrument business my father…
Read moreTest of Time Mission Statement – No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense)!
No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) To start off the year on a positive and encourging note, today’s post is from my Family Business Memior entitiled No Bunk (no nonsense), Just BS (Business Sense : 50 Timely and Timelsss Truths Business School Cannot Teach You. The post will come from the collection of HI-LITER Newsletters…
Read moreDiscover How You Can Build Successful Relationships!
No Bunk, Just BS Book Today’s post is from my family business memoir, No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) 50 Timely and Timeless Truths Business School Cannot Teach You!, which is the latest book I have written. Chapter #5 This post is an excerpt from Chapter #5: Achieving and Maintaining Success Truths. Truth #9 Truth…
Read moreListen to my “No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense)” Interview on Voice America Radio Show
Patricia Raskin Radio Show My Orange Brain is excited to announce my radio interview with Patricia Raskin on her Positive Living Show next Monday, February 15th at 2:00-3:00PM EST. Here is the link to the show: The Patricia Raskin Show on Interview Topic Patricia and I will be discussing my family business memoir, No…
Read morePerfect Present for the Readers on Your Holiday Gift List
Are you looking for the perfect present for the readers on your holiday gift list? If you are, No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) 50 Timely and Timeless Truths Business School Cannot Teach You! is that perfect present. Why? Because readers get two books in one: A motivational business book and a inspirational memoir! “I could…
Read moreDo you live your life constructively?
Have you ever thought about living your life constructively with rule and square? Take some time to pause and ponder the question. I think reading the following excerpt from my new business memoir, No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) will help you answer the question. Last week, on Thursday, August 16, 1973, we demolished the last of…
Read moreNO BUNK, JUST BS (Business Sense) Update #2 and Cover!
TA-DA! Time for another NO BUNK, JUST BS (Business Sense) update. My Orange Brain is excited to display my new book cover. Chris Geimer of Chris Geimer Design created the perfect book cover that also incorporates business memoir color details from the book. Below is the second section of the NO BUNK, Just BS Introduction that will give…
Read moreWriting A Family Business Memoir!
My Orange Brain is excited to give you a clue to the title of my new family business memoir, which fits into the “Profiles in Business” bookstore category. The clue is: No Bunk. In other words, No Nonsense. This writing project is incorporating and utilizing all my Brain Colors: My Yellow Brain Organizational skills to place…
Read moreNew Book Coming Soon, Please “Like” My Facebook Author Page!
My Orange Brain is excited to tell you that I am writing my 6th book, which is business memoir. My Yellow Brain has been planning and organizing ideas for this book for several years. My Green Brain has been researching, writing, and adding my thought to my storyboards. Now, my Blue Brain is looking forward to…
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