Human Digital Library – An Amazing Educational Resource for Students and Teachers

Today, it is my privilege and pleasure to introduce to you a remarkable teacher “Drumroll” …. Leigh Cassell. Leigh and I met several months ago via LinkedIn and I am sure you will be impressed when you read about Leigh’s “Brainbow” skills and the Human Digital Library she has created! • I admire Leigh’s Yellow Brain Organizational skills to manage all the copious educational resources and content for her…

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Highlighted Author Interview – What Color Is Your Brain? Book

It’s grand to be back from my business travels and catch up on my blogging! My Orange Brain is excited to let you know about my Highlighted Author Interview that Charlene A Wilson. Charlene is an “author of romantic tales that take you to other worlds, dimensions, and times, as well as our very own.  Whether it be…

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A Committment Becomes A Dream Come True!

The Chicago weather over the weekend was filled with thunderstorms, dreary days and brisk winds. I decided it as perfect time for my Yellow Brain to de-clutter, clean out  and organize my office. I was thrilled when I found an old notebook filled with inspirational quotes.  The following resonated with my Blue Brain about my …

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Teachers Do Make A Difference!

A few weeks ago, I received a LinkedIn request from a woman named Sherry Julitz. I thought we knew each other because of my friend Christy Suerth, who also is an accomplished recruiter like Sherry. I accepted the LinkedIn connection and said that I was happy to know that we were connected through Christy. However, I…

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