Posts Tagged ‘leadership’
Discover How Excellent Leaders Improves People’s Lives
No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) Today’s post is from my Family Business Memior entitiled No Bunk (no nonsense), Just BS (Business Sense : 50 Timely and Timelsss Truths Business School Cannot Teach You. The post will come from the collection of HI-LITER Newsletters from the Lab-Line Instruments, Inc., the laboratory instrument business my father…
Read moreAnnouncing My New: What Color Is Your Brain?® Train the Trainer Program!
Exciting New Program My Orange Brain is excited to share my Grand news: I am developing a What Color Is Your Brain?® Train the Trainer Program! 30+ Years of Work My Yellow Brain has been organizing 30+ years of handouts, workbooks, PowerPoint slides, workshop acitities, and pre and post planning documents! Clients It has been…
Read moreWhen You Crow, Remember Who Made Your Crowing Possible!
A Favorite Memory Today’s blog post is one of my favorite memories about my parents’ business. I wrote about this memory in my family business memoir, No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense), which is my 6th book. Book Chapter This post is a story that was written in the 1950’s, but still rings true today.…
Read moreListen to my “No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense)” Interview on Voice America Radio Show
Patricia Raskin Radio Show My Orange Brain is excited to announce my radio interview with Patricia Raskin on her Positive Living Show next Monday, February 15th at 2:00-3:00PM EST. Here is the link to the show: The Patricia Raskin Show on Interview Topic Patricia and I will be discussing my family business memoir, No…
Read moreJoin an Exciting Global Education Chat for Students, Teachers and Parents – Building and Keeping Virtual Relationships!
GlobalEdSsChat My Orange Brain is excited to be a guest panelist for the GlobalEdSsChat for December 2020. The Topic will be: Building and Keeping Virtual Relationships. My friend and colleague, Leigh Cassel, who is the founder of the Digital Human Library, asked me to share my Brain Color concepts with the students. Chat questions The…
Read moreGet a Blueprint to Help You Re-Open Your Business and Be Successful!
As businesses re-open and changes have to be made, there is advice to help prevent issues because the Coronovirus. However, are you needing a time-tested blueprint to help you re-open, modify, build, and maintain your business successfully? My latest book, No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is the perfect blueprint and solution to achieve goals…
Read moreIt’s No Bunk, today is the 1st Anniversary of “No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense)”!
I am delighted to announce that today is the 1st Anniversary of my 6th book: No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense): 50 Timely and Timeless Truths Business School Cannot Teach You! “I wish companies today would follow this business format… Working with these suggestions listed in Sheila’s book never gets old. I highly recommend this…
Read moreAre You A Person of Excellence, Leadership, and/or Encouragement Who Improves People’s Lives?
Do you ever wonder if your sense of excellence, encouragement and/or leadership can improve other people’s lives in your family, workplace, school and/or community? Your Green Brain may contemplate this questions, when you think about your personal and professional life experiences, or when your read an article in a book or newspaper, and/or watch or listen to the…
Read morePerfect Present for the Readers on Your Holiday Gift List
Are you looking for the perfect present for the readers on your holiday gift list? If you are, No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) 50 Timely and Timeless Truths Business School Cannot Teach You! is that perfect present. Why? Because readers get two books in one: A motivational business book and a inspirational memoir! “I could…
Read more“No Bunk” – Exemplary Leadership Truth #8 – A collaborative leader knows a team working together gets the job done
Today’s post is from my family business memoir, which is my latest book, No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) Chapter 2 – Exemplary Leadership. I was a young girl, I remember a boldly colored poster with a rooster crowing hanging outside my father’s office at Lab-Line, Instruments, which was the laboratory instruments and equipment manufacturing business…
Read moreNO BUNK, JUST BS (Business Sense) Update #2 and Cover!
TA-DA! Time for another NO BUNK, JUST BS (Business Sense) update. My Orange Brain is excited to display my new book cover. Chris Geimer of Chris Geimer Design created the perfect book cover that also incorporates business memoir color details from the book. Below is the second section of the NO BUNK, Just BS Introduction that will give…
Read moreAnnouncing My New Business Book: “No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense)”
I am delighted to announce my new business book that is entitled: No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense): 50 Timely and Timeless Truths Business School Cannot Teach You! No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is not a Band-Aid for your business problems. No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is a blueprint to achieve and…
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