Posts Tagged ‘jewish’
A Blessed and Joyful Passover, Easter, and Ramadan!
Special Time of Year Spring has arrived on the calendar and 3 special holidays are also being observed and celebrated! 3 Holidays I think it is lovely that Passover, Easter, and Ramadan are all being celebrated at the same time, according to the Lunar Calendar. This calendar is based on the cycles of the moon…
Read more“Learning Is Sweet” – A Glazov Family Tradition For The New School Year!
A New School Year It’s that time of year again! A new school year. Hopefully, this year will not have the challenges of the past two years, and all the students and teachers will be Healthy and Safe! Sweet Memories The beginning of the school year always evokes copious sweet memories from my childhood, my…
Read moreThe Best Ever Chicken Soup – “Jewish Penicillin”!
Sick Husband Today, my husband Jordan was diagonsed with Strep Throat. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic. I know he will be feeling better in 24-48 hours. Skip’s Chicken Soup Recipe However, I know the Chicken Soup with Dill recipe that was given to me by my friend Skip Weiss’, who is the publisher of award-winning…
Read moreA Glazov Family Tradition For The New School Year = “Learning Is Sweet!”
A New School Year It’s that time of year again! A new school year. However, this year will continue to have its challenges because of the Coronavirus variant, the debate of wearing masks, and hybrid, online, or in school attendance. Sweet Memories The beginning of the school year always evokes copious sweet memories from my…
Read moreWord Wednesday – Megillah
Word Wednesday • “Megillah” is my word for WordWednesday. Definition: • Noun: Scroll, volume, long story, referenced in the Book of Esther, which is read aloud at the festive Jewish holiday of Purim. • Slang: An elaborate, complicated production or sequence of events. Pronunciation • Pronunciation – Mĕgillāh/ muh-GHIL-uh Usage • Last week, we celebrated joyful holiday of…
Read moreSharing My Emotionally Painful Antisemitic Experiences
Why I Wrote This Post I normally do not write deeply personal experiences in my blog post. However, after the attack on the United States Capital building, my broken heart felt a need to share my thoughts. I am grateful that I have never been physically harmed by actions of Antisemitism. However, the Antisemitism I…
Read moreWord Wednesday – Chaunukah or Hanukkah or Hanukah
Word Wednesday • “Chanukah” is my word for WordWednesday and there are 16 variations of the spelling. Definition • Noun: Chanukah is the Jewish eight-day Festival of Lights and it celebrates the rededication of the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem after the Jewish rebellion, which lasted from 167 to 160 BCE and won by the heroic Maccabees against…
Read moreTaking Time to Reflect – A Happy, Healthy, and Peaceful New Year!
New Year – 5781 Rosh Hashanah begins the Jewish New Year. This year 5781 begins on the Friday at sundown. 10 days later the worldwide Jewish community will observe Kom Kippur, which is the Day of Atonement. These 10 days are considered the High Holidays or Days of Awe and a time to reflect on…
Read moreRefreshing Summer Recipe: A Glazov Family Favorite!
You know it is summertime in our home when the old Spinach Borscht pot comes out of the cabinet. My remarkable Green Brain mother-in-law, later lovingly referred to as “Grandma Lil,” gave me my 6-quart enameled Spinach Borscht pot as a bridal show gift, 53 years ago. My introduction to Spinach Borscht was in the…
Read moreNeighbors pray together (walking outside) during Coronavirus outbreak! What about yours?
We were a diverse group: 1 Catholic, 2 members of a Christian bible study group, and Jordan and I, who are Jewish. We all joined together to prayer for our neighborhood, yesterday afternoon. Jordan and I learned about the gathering, on Saturday, when we received a flyer in our mailbox inviting us to walk together,…
Read moreDiscover the Secret to Teaching Children the Sweetness of Learning!
The beginning of each school year always evokes copious memories about my childhood, my teaching career, and our sons’ educational experiences from nursery school (that is what it was called in the 1970’s before the description was changed to preschool and/or early learning childhood center) through college, and law school. Now that our grandchildren have…
Read more“Learning Is Sweet!” – A Family Tradition!
On Sunday afternoon, our family gathered on our porch for an Orange Brain Fun Celebration of the first week of school and our daughter-in-law Sheryl’s birthday. The beginning of the school year always evokes a copious memories from my childhood, my teaching career, and our sons’ experiences from nursery school (that is what it was called…
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