Perfect Present for the Readers on Your Holiday Gift List

Are you looking for the perfect present for the readers on your holiday gift list? If you are, No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) 50 Timely and Timeless Truths Business School Cannot Teach You! is that perfect present. Why? Because readers get two books in one: A motivational business book and a inspirational memoir! “I could…

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How do you write a book? You put your tushy in the chair!

Question: What must every writer do when she or he has a deadline for writing a book? Answer: Put their tushy in the chair! And stay focused on the writing task. It is not easy or comfortable. You must put other business and writing projects aside. But it gets the job done! Yesterday, my Green…

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PicMonkey Photo Editing Replaces Google Picnik

A few weeks ago, Google closed the Picnik photo editing site. Now, thanks to my web designer Jeff Lewis at The Webs We Weave, I am using PicMonkey for editing photos for my  Sheila Glazov website, the new Princess Shayna Book/Musical  section on the website Navigation Bar and my Blog. I am enjoying this easy and effective photo editing tool!…

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Princess Shayna Book & Musical Have A New Home!

Princess Shayna now has a new home on my website. Today, my web designer, Jeff Lewis who is the owner of The Webs We Weave and my Green Tired Techie Brain finally finished editing the pages for the princess’ new home. I agree with Kermit the Frog…“It’s not easy being Green!” I also had to…

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Missed Opportunity For A Political Teachable Moment

This morning, I replied to a Promise of America Blog post my friend and web master, Jeff Lewis sent me. The story is re-print from an email that’s been making the rounds for the last year or so.  Jeff came across it again on another blog and thought he would pass it along for those who hadn’t…

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Auditions, Rehearsal, Casting & Music – Princess Shayna Musical

2. Diabetes, An Actress and A Royal Wizard- Princess Shayna Musical  When I read “Our first rehearsal for Princess Shayna was exhilarating” I knew I had to figure out a “Efficient Green Brain System” to help you and me keep track of my Princess Shayna Musical blog posts from director, Kim Woycke. A huge “Blue Brain Thank…

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