New Extensive Teacher’s Activity Guide for Your School or Home School Classroom!

Teacher’s Activity Guide for “Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift” is now available! 1. Teachers can now reignite their teaching and reengage their students! 2. Teachers can create more cooperation, harmony, critical thinking, and creative problem solving in their classroom by creating a Kingdom of Kindness! 3. Teachers can discover a solid foundation of life-long communication…

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Teachers Reengage Students In Your Classroom With New Teacher’s Activity Guide!

Classroom teacher’s and home school parents, now you can reignite your teaching and reengage your students with my newly published Teacher’s Activity Guide for Princess Shayna’s Invisible Gift. Create more cooperation,  harmony, critical thinking, and creative problem solving  in your classroom by creating a Kingdom of Kindness! Discover a solid foundation of life-long communication skills…

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